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Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Erectile dysfunction (ED), also known as impotence, is a type of sexual dysfunction characterized by the inability to develop or maintain an erection of the penis during sexual activity. Erectile dysfunction can have psychological consequences as it can be tied to relationship difficulties and self-image.

Erectile Dysfunction (“impotence”) is the persistent inability to get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. It can be a total inability to achieve erection, an inconsistent ability to do so, or a tendency to sustain only brief erections.

Erectile Dysfunction may be caused by a physical condition or by a psychological condition such as stress or depression.

A new treatment for erectile dysfunction is now available for the first time in Bangalore at Renew Medical Center.

The treatment was professional and painless, with a noticeable improvement in erections after a few sessions with the results looking promising

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common problem, thought to affect 30-45% of 40-70 year old men to some degree. A common cause of erectile dysfunction is reduced blood flow in the penis, called vasculogenic ED

ED1000 is a new treatment option for erectile dysfunction, which aims to improve blood flow in the penis and cure erectile dysfunction, enabling the patient to achieve and maintain dependable erections.

How does ED1000 work?

ED1000 is designed specifically for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and involves low-intensity shockwaves (similar to ultrasound waves). The shockwaves created by the ED1000 machine are focused onto the treatment area, stimulating the treated tissues to grow new micro blood vessels. Research suggests that the improved micro vessel network increases the blood supply to the erectile tissue, resulting in improved erection quality.

How effective is ED1000?

Early results indicate that treatment improves the quality of erections in three out of four patients with vasculogenic ED or diabetes. It has been tested in patients with early and severe erectile dysfunction with the following results:Men with early ED, responding to medication the so called 5-Phosphodiesterase inhibitors: In one research study 77% of men in this group were cured, achieving spontaneous erections and intercourse without medication (presented at the 26th Annual European Association of Urology Congress, Vienna, March 2011). Men with severe ED, not responding to 5-phosphodiesterase inhibitors: 70% of men with severe ED started to respond to medication after ED1000 treatment, returning to a sex life with the help of 5-phosphodiesterase inhibitor tablets. They were able to discontinue more cumbersome or invasive treatments such as vacuum pumps or injection therapy (presented at the 13th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine, Malaga, November 2010). Who will benefit from ED1000?Patients with vasculogenic ED or diabetes are the best candidates for ED1000 treatment. There are currently no published studies on using ED1000 for impotence due to other causes, such as prostate surgery, trauma, Peyronie’s disease, Parkinson’s disease or other similar causes. However, some men may have a combination of poor penile blood flow with another cause for their ED and it is possible they may still benefit from the treatment

How do I know whether I have vasculogenic ED?

Poor penile blood flow is a common reason for erectile dysfunction and present in 70% of men with organic (non psychological) ED. Some patients may already have a diagnosis of vascular problems, such as previous heart attack or stroke.Many others may have risk factors for vascular disease, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol and history of smoking, that make vasculogenic ED more likely. Your consultant will advise you on whether or not it’s likely that you have vasculogenic ED.

What does the treatment involve?

Following your referral there will be an initial outpatient clinic consultation for counseling and to assess whether you are a suitable candidate for ED1000 treatment. This involves an assessment of the likelihood of vasculogenic ED as well as other causes of ED. It usually involves measurements being taken for your height, weight and blood pressure, answering a questionnaire and a physical examination. We aim to screen comprehensively for physical causes of erectile dysfunction initially and may sometimes recommend additional preliminary tests.ED1000 is given as an out-patient treatment in a series of 6 short treatment sessions over three weeks.The initial treatment will usually be given by the consultant and the subsequent treatments by a fully trained nurse. Each session will be scheduled for 25-30 minutes, with the actual treatment taking 15 minutes to apply. The consultant will be supervising your treatment overall. Following the treatment longer term routine follow up is offered.

Are there any side effects?

ED1000 is a non-invasive and entirely pain-free treatment that does not require any additional medication. A gentle tapping sensation may be felt during the treatment. To date, there are no reported side-effects during or after the treatment and the treatment is considered to be safe. Patients are able to return to their daily routines immediately following each treatment session.

What are the longer term outcomes from ED1000?

Early evidence shows that results have been maintained for up to two years after treatment. This is the longest follow-up currently available, as ED1000 is a new treatment.

How is shockwave therapy different from other ED treatments?

Other ED treatments involve medication which carry the risk of side effects, work only during a set time window, often require a degree of planning of sexual activity and incur ongoing drug costs. Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive, non- pharmacological therapy which aims to trigger a natural mechanism that improves penile blood flow and may allow restoration of penile function and sexual spontaneity without need for ongoing treatment.
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